Modern Colon Hydrotherapy FAQ

 Modern Colon Hydrotherapy FAQ

  • Although not the focus of conventional health regimes, the colon plays a leading role in general well being. When the colon is full of toxins and fecal waste, one's physical health is impacted, leading to more serious conditions over time. Gravity One Studio, the leading choice for Houston Metro area modern colonics, specializes in offering safe colon hydrotherapy sessions administered by certified colon hydrotherapists overseen by a Texas medical doctor.

  • Yes. In fact, with the modern advancements of today's colon hydrotherapy devices and standardization of training and procedures, colon hydrotherapy is often considered a safe alternative to laxatives and more effective than enemas. And, with the dangers of laxative overuse, colonics have a definite advantage and greater long-term benefits.

  • Colon hydrotherapy is designed to cleanse and hydrate the entire length of the large intestine (approx 5 to 6 feet) whereas an enema only reaches the lower part of the colon or about 8 - 10 inches. Laxatives generally contain drugs and chemicals that irritate the colon walls and are known for dehydrating the bowel instead of hydrating the system as with colon hydrotherapy.

  • Most people describe their colon hydrotherapy session as being both refreshing and relaxing. The instillation of warm, purified water is very gentle and approximately 1 psi. Clients often describe the insertion of the disposable nozzle as "a feeling of oddness for about 10 seconds". Some clients experience some discomfort and cramping during the session, this feeling generally goes away once the waste matter is dislodged from the colon.

  • If you have a concern about your health or the appropriateness of colon hydrotherapy you should consult your doctor.

    You should not pursue colon hydrotherapy services if you have any of the following conditions (Contraindications) within the past two years or currently pregnant:

    Recent Rectal or Colon Surgery

    Cancer of the Rectum or Colon

    Congestive Heart Failure

    Uncontrolled Hypertension

    Kidney Disease (decreased kidney function)

    Fissures or Fistulas

    Abdominal Hernia

    Severe Hemorrhoids

    GI Hemorrhage/Perforation


    Review here for a detailed list of Contraindications

  • All materials, including tubing, nozzle and drapes are for one time use and are disposed after each client. In addition, the FDA Class II cleared medical device (the hydrotherapy device) has a one way check valve to assure fresh, clean, purified water instillation. Additionally, we employ a clean-and-disinfecting protocol that uses the same hospital grade disinfectant that is utilized in some operating rooms.

  • A session last between 40 - 45 minutes, please allow 1 hour for your initial visit.

  • As each client is different based on the degree of cleansing needed, your situation will be discussed during the initial visit. For example, someone that has chronic constipation (less than 1 bowel movement per day) may need several sessions over the course of a few weeks. Once your initial session(s) are completed, maintenance can begin. Maintenance sessions are recommended at 1 visit per month. Maintenance is necessary in order to continue all of the great benefits you have already given to your body with the initial session(s). Monthly cleanses help to to decrease the burden on your eliminative organs.

  • Taking the proper precautions before undergoing a colonic can make a big difference. We strongly recommend the following:

    No eating or drinking for 2 hours before your session

    At least 24 hours before your session, follow the following regimen:

    No carbonated beverages

    No alcohol

    No red meat

    To enhance your colonic process, focus on eating fruits and vegetables

    Avoid "gassy" food, such as beans, cabbage, onions, etc.

  • Absolutely. In fact getting a colonic during your menstrual cycle is usually a good time to receive a treatment since your body is already cleansing. Your flow will not interfere with the success of the treatment.

  • Usually not, but since the cleansing will stir up a lot of old debris and toxins, you might experience some minor nausea or fatigue with your first session. If any discomfort occurs, it is recommended to rest and apply a warm heating pad to the abdomen. If you wish, a mild vegetable broth or peppermint tea is usually soothing at this time. Any discomfort will usually pass within 24 hours.

  • Absolutely. You can work just as you would after a normal bowel movement.

  • YES!!! Gravity One Studio is owned by a USAF veteran and we wholeheartedly support our first responders. To show our appreciation we extend a $10 Discount to all active military members, fire fighters and police officers. Show your active/current photo credentials and we will offer $10 credit towards your next visit or apply $10 credit to an in-person transaction.